Is the paint on your walls peeling?

We come across peeling paint and poorly painted surfaces a lot of the time when completing renovation projects for our clients. It's a sad state of affairs and all too common to see. Unfortunately, most of the time, it is not an easy fix.

In the video below, in conjunction with our painting partner, Luxe Painting, we look at a job we're undertaking for our clients who have experienced paint peeling off their walls. Their previous builder didn't follow proper painting practices and unfortunately this has now become a big job to fix. Luckily, in this instance, our client has been able to claim this work under insurance.

We were engaged by a client to fix their peeling walls under an insurance job. Their home was painted by another builder who didn't follow proper painting practices resulting in what looks like wallpaper instead of paint. Have fun watching!

If you have paint that's peeling off in your home, have a chat to us to discuss your situation and the options available.

Louis Gonzalez is a registered builder and certified project manager, and a director of Broadwater Builds, a Perth based building company specialising in new homes, renovations, extensions, unit developments and subdivisions.

Broadwater Builds provides free and friendly advice on all aspects of the building process. Have a chat with us today about your next building project.